Tag: Scott Brown


In the Green Room: Scott Brown Strategist Robert Willington

In the wake of the historic election of Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown, observers have expressed interest in the strategy behind his online campaign. Three members of the Scott Brown team visited The Heritage Foundation yesterday to talk about the campaign’s incredible success. Afterwards, we sat down with Robert, one of the chief architects of their web strategy.


The House and Senate Cloakroam: February 1-5, 2010

The President will release his budget next week, kicking off weeks of hearings and discussions about funding our nation’s priorities. However, the real news will once again be what is happening behind closed doors. Private discussions will continue on yet another stimulus and liberals must try to find a way to move Obamacare, perhaps through the politically poisonous reconciliation process. Even after the President’s State of the Union address, many questions remain.

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