The disheartening impact of Obamacare has solidified doubt and resistance surrounding federal health reform. It will burden small businesses and dump millions more into the failing Medicaid program. As a result, states are increasingly using their authority to implement health-care reforms tailored to their citizens.

Gov. Paul LePage of Maine is leading the way in the fight against government-run health care. Today he visits Heritage to share his insights on the issue. The event will be broadcast live online at 2 p.m., followed by an expert panel, including Florida state Rep. Joe Negron, Tarren Bragdon, president and CEO of the Foundation for Government Accountability; and Christie Herrera, director of the health and human services task force at the American Legislative Exchange Council.

States like Maine and Florida are showing that there is a viable alternative to Obamacare. The Florida legislature recently succeeded in expanding previously established Medicaid reforms in their state. Maine recently repealed its failed big government health care plan and replaced it with a series of market-based insurance reforms. This will make Maine’s healthcare system more efficient, affordable and competitive.

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Numerous other states are also exploring alternatives to government-run health care that are based on consumer choice and the free market and don’t violate the personal freedom of individuals and families. Tune in at 2 p.m. to learn more.